Anonymous (ID: c1p/skwm)
A man was murdered in cold blo(...) 12/08/24(Sun)13:49:44 No.490849343
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A man was murdered in cold blood and you're laughing? Anonymous (ID: c1p/skwm) 12/08/24(Sun)13:49:44 No.490849343
Anonymous (ID: pKujZ6HL)
12/08/24(Sun)14:05:20 No.490851080
Anonymous (ID: pKujZ6HL) 12/08/24(Sun)14:05:20 No.490851080
>A man was murdered in cold blood
It happens every day, I don't have time to mourn each and every one of them.
Anonymous (ID: dGAVXmxC)
12/08/24(Sun)14:06:11 No.490851163
Anonymous (ID: dGAVXmxC) 12/08/24(Sun)14:06:11 No.490851163
Kill yourself, communist
Anonymous (ID: ucZycbIR)
12/08/24(Sun)14:06:28 No.490851205
Anonymous (ID: ucZycbIR) 12/08/24(Sun)14:06:28 No.490851205
What's the deal with this deaf mute meme?
Anonymous (ID: c1p/skwm)
12/08/24(Sun)14:06:37 No.490851228
Anonymous (ID: c1p/skwm) 12/08/24(Sun)14:06:37 No.490851228
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Anonymous (ID: MAz8JR+Q)
12/08/24(Sun)14:06:47 No.490851237
Anonymous (ID: MAz8JR+Q) 12/08/24(Sun)14:06:47 No.490851237
Bro fix your shitty, artifacted laughing man gif for fucks sake.
Anonymous (ID: GQSXiHO9)
12/08/24(Sun)14:07:21 No.490851301
Anonymous (ID: GQSXiHO9) 12/08/24(Sun)14:07:21 No.490851301
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Glowniggers are so malding lmao
Anonymous (ID: ucZycbIR)
12/08/24(Sun)14:07:49 No.490851344
Anonymous (ID: ucZycbIR) 12/08/24(Sun)14:07:49 No.490851344
There is nothing free market about a company like UNH or the US "health" care system. Spare us your pearl clutching bullshit
Anonymous (ID: jkTVDcHj)
12/08/24(Sun)14:08:36 No.490851406
Anonymous (ID: jkTVDcHj) 12/08/24(Sun)14:08:36 No.490851406
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>referencing le joker memeYep this is all a major psyop, part of the Great Reset. They want to usher in communism, I can see it now that's what its all about.
They want young white men to hate capitalism, to feel broken and loss so they can then rewire their brains to overthrow capitalism. That's the end goal.
They WANT you to overthrow the establishment, they will be in power no matter what but the capitalist system is clearly at its end so the communist one is the future.
Anonymous (ID: dGAVXmxC)
12/08/24(Sun)14:09:24 No.490851483
Anonymous (ID: dGAVXmxC) 12/08/24(Sun)14:09:24 No.490851483
Communists want to believe that they're living in GITS now and a bunch of copycats will start eating the rich. They're incapable of living in reality and must derationalize everything through a filter of fiction.
Anonymous (ID: Z/hqQqZ5)
12/08/24(Sun)14:10:16 No.490851572
Anonymous (ID: Z/hqQqZ5) 12/08/24(Sun)14:10:16 No.490851572
Anonymous (ID: XSMha45p)
12/08/24(Sun)14:10:16 No.490851573
Anonymous (ID: XSMha45p) 12/08/24(Sun)14:10:16 No.490851573
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>kike golem killed by based and Sovereign good Samaritan
Laughing and dancing, call it the dancing goys.
Anonymous (ID: c1p/skwm)
12/08/24(Sun)14:10:17 No.490851577
Anonymous (ID: c1p/skwm) 12/08/24(Sun)14:10:17 No.490851577
File: laughingman11.gif (1.17 MB, 958x884)
1.17 MB GIF
>muh left
>muh right
Anonymous (ID: 5j1vA9qc)
12/08/24(Sun)14:10:20 No.490851587
Anonymous (ID: 5j1vA9qc) 12/08/24(Sun)14:10:20 No.490851587
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This, we're only required to be really worried since it was one of the masters who suffered.
>ah, our lord was hurt! imagine the suffering of his family! perhaps we should raise our tithes slightly this year to offset the terrible loss our lord has suffered!
Meanwhile the msm will barely acknowledge the city the Israeli's are murdering other than to call anyone who is concerned about it a terrorist supporter.Fuck them.
Anonymous (ID: 5XJhiQtg)
12/08/24(Sun)14:12:51 No.490851849
Anonymous (ID: 5XJhiQtg) 12/08/24(Sun)14:12:51 No.490851849
File: GdVkpOQXoAAN7Mf.jpg (56 KB, 720x631)
Ummm QRD?
Anonymous (ID: XSMha45p)
12/08/24(Sun)14:13:24 No.490851911
Anonymous (ID: XSMha45p) 12/08/24(Sun)14:13:24 No.490851911
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>to feel broken
All males are broken by today’s predatory capitalism. The problem is with capitalism itself.
>usher communism
Neo-communism applied in China have proven itself superior to predatory capitalism practiced in the west. It’s not about ushering communism as you intend it, it’s a resistance to predatory capitalism that is literally killing people for more money.
Also your spacing indicates you have to go back faggot.
Anonymous (ID: 0+a851dK)
12/08/24(Sun)14:13:39 No.490851941
Anonymous (ID: 0+a851dK) 12/08/24(Sun)14:13:39 No.490851941
File: pepe machiavelli.jpg (128 KB, 1000x1000)
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>and you're laughing?
the prince should've taken Machiavelli's advice, its that fucking simple
>One of the most powerful remedies a prince has against conspiracies is not to be hated by the people, for whoever plans a conspiracy always believes that he will satisfy the people by killing the prince.
Anonymous (ID: ZD9vtty0)
12/08/24(Sun)14:14:23 No.490852032
Anonymous (ID: ZD9vtty0) 12/08/24(Sun)14:14:23 No.490852032
>noo you have to love oligarchs that use and hate you
Anonymous (ID: 7mVY7kdw)
12/08/24(Sun)14:14:39 No.490852066
Anonymous (ID: 7mVY7kdw) 12/08/24(Sun)14:14:39 No.490852066
It's a quote from J.D. Salinger's Catcher in the Rye. The laughing man logo is from Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex. In the series, The Laughing Man takes the head of medical tech firm hostage in front of a news crew, tries to get him to confess to holding back medical research that could save lives, and runs away. Everyone who saw him, aside from two non-cyberized homeless, draw this logo when interrogated.The Laughing Man doesn't actually kill Soreno...
What, joker? The fuck? GitS isn't some fucking superhero shit. Go back to your goyslop.
Anonymous (ID: r1ImHc75)
12/08/24(Sun)14:18:12 No.490852427
Anonymous (ID: r1ImHc75) 12/08/24(Sun)14:18:12 No.490852427
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>Ugh, why is everybody so upset about this guy?
>If it was me dying on the sidewalk you'd walk right over me! I pass you everyday and you don't notice me!
>But this guy? Well because jews would cry about him on TV?
Anonymous (ID: c1p/skwm)
12/08/24(Sun)14:20:06 No.490852616
Anonymous (ID: c1p/skwm) 12/08/24(Sun)14:20:06 No.490852616
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The laughing mans actions resulted in the death of the Sunflower Society and even in the death of the fake Laughing Man that Serano Genomics created so that they could have a show trial and reverse public support for the Laughing Man who had become a widespread meme and symbol at that point.
Anonymous (ID: kEPlFFRe)
12/08/24(Sun)14:24:40 No.490853049
Anonymous (ID: kEPlFFRe) 12/08/24(Sun)14:24:40 No.490853049
qrd? I know there was a health insurance CEO shot, the killer used a weird gun and left a bag of Monopoly money. Is there much more to know?
Anonymous (ID: 5j1vA9qc)
12/08/24(Sun)14:27:27 No.490853318
Anonymous (ID: 5j1vA9qc) 12/08/24(Sun)14:27:27 No.490853318
Like life was great in the Soviet Union under Communist rule?Communism vs Capitalism is a red herring. In either case the sociopaths will assume all hard power to their own advantage and everyone else's ruin.
Anonymous (ID: MGyq+HWn)
12/08/24(Sun)14:28:12 No.490853392
Anonymous (ID: MGyq+HWn) 12/08/24(Sun)14:28:12 No.490853392
>They're incapable of living in reality and must derationalize everything through a filter of fiction.As he posts on 4chan on the internet from the safety of his house, probably while watching fiction media.
Anonymous (ID: v/XXsj6I)
12/08/24(Sun)14:28:29 No.490853427
Anonymous (ID: v/XXsj6I) 12/08/24(Sun)14:28:29 No.490853427
Kikes are afraid because the illusion of authority is breaking down. When regular civilians believe they can “get away with murder,” the whole house of cards topples.
Tldr: the illusion of society is falling apart.
Anonymous (ID: xcDE40FL)
12/08/24(Sun)14:31:12 No.490853704
Anonymous (ID: xcDE40FL) 12/08/24(Sun)14:31:12 No.490853704
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I wasn't laughing but I'm not sad either. Why do I have to pick a side, you fucking glownigger faggot
Anonymous (ID: Ntq2rE+Y)
12/08/24(Sun)14:32:11 No.490853801
Anonymous (ID: Ntq2rE+Y) 12/08/24(Sun)14:32:11 No.490853801
>Is there much more to know?
the authorities can’t find shit (source: if they could they would have made an example of the shooter already) and the American public’s collective response to an assassination ranges from “meh” to “based, can we do it again?” The so-called elites are shitting their pants at this revelation
Anonymous (ID: o+QDkQ4+)
12/08/24(Sun)14:34:44 No.490854044
Anonymous (ID: o+QDkQ4+) 12/08/24(Sun)14:34:44 No.490854044
"And you're laughing?" is from the Joker (2019)
Laughing Man is from Ghost in the Shell
Anonymous (ID: NGmEnvTh)
12/08/24(Sun)14:37:46 No.490854369
Anonymous (ID: NGmEnvTh) 12/08/24(Sun)14:37:46 No.490854369
it was a demon
Anonymous (ID: rVn0y384)
12/08/24(Sun)14:43:33 No.490854956
Anonymous (ID: rVn0y384) 12/08/24(Sun)14:43:33 No.490854956
This is how Americans deal with things: life and death. You either support life or you suffer death. Life begets life. Death begets death. This is the way of the natural world.
Anonymous (ID: 7pybdJae)
12/08/24(Sun)14:45:41 No.490855171
Anonymous (ID: 7pybdJae) 12/08/24(Sun)14:45:41 No.490855171
Anonymous (ID: 7pybdJae)
12/08/24(Sun)14:46:16 No.490855215
Anonymous (ID: 7pybdJae) 12/08/24(Sun)14:46:16 No.490855215
Goatse In The Shell
Anonymous (ID: 7pybdJae)
12/08/24(Sun)14:47:18 No.490855325
Anonymous (ID: 7pybdJae) 12/08/24(Sun)14:47:18 No.490855325
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Anonymous (ID: W3VB9lvI)
12/08/24(Sun)14:47:42 No.490855368
Anonymous (ID: W3VB9lvI) 12/08/24(Sun)14:47:42 No.490855368
Imagine being that rich and not having a concealed carry permit. Or paying a guard. Absolutely jewish to try to save all your shekels and not do anything about paying for your safety. Well guess he can bring all those shekels with him to hell.
Anonymous (ID: kgi8d8zV)
12/08/24(Sun)14:48:12 No.490855428
Anonymous (ID: kgi8d8zV) 12/08/24(Sun)14:48:12 No.490855428
There is no murder in war doe
Anonymous (ID: W3VB9lvI)
12/08/24(Sun)14:48:56 No.490855494
Anonymous (ID: W3VB9lvI) 12/08/24(Sun)14:48:56 No.490855494
Based Yagami poster
Anonymous (ID: ym/cbxln)
12/08/24(Sun)14:49:02 No.490855505
Anonymous (ID: ym/cbxln) 12/08/24(Sun)14:49:02 No.490855505
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All smiles here.
Anonymous (ID: hgmX1bRU)
12/08/24(Sun)14:57:01 No.490856263
Anonymous (ID: hgmX1bRU) 12/08/24(Sun)14:57:01 No.490856263
Really weird how this article goes out of its way to give several reasons to not be sympathetic to the guy while at the same time being upset that people are happy that he died. Maybe try being a less scummy company?
Anonymous (ID: uj64vq5T)
12/08/24(Sun)15:01:14 No.490856649
Anonymous (ID: uj64vq5T) 12/08/24(Sun)15:01:14 No.490856649
Honestly gigabased that the gits laughing man meme is still alive/revived for the based assassination of a cunt billionaire.
Every time I lose hope in this shithole some faggot finds a way to revive my hope and keep this interesting.
Anonymous (ID: FuLT8BuD)
12/08/24(Sun)15:04:02 No.490856869
Anonymous (ID: FuLT8BuD) 12/08/24(Sun)15:04:02 No.490856869
The Smiling Man complex
Anonymous (ID: 2CsWWgP3)
12/08/24(Sun)15:04:23 No.490856901
Anonymous (ID: 2CsWWgP3) 12/08/24(Sun)15:04:23 No.490856901
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